All countries worried about China’s threat of war given to the United States, the military power assessment
China gave War threat to the United States, neighbor countries are worried
New Delhi, JNN After China’s threat to the war, the other countries are now worried. The question has arisen that if the war happens then what will happen to the rest of the country. Which countries will accompany them? Which will stay away from war? What are the problems of economic and social issues? Although both countries are not vulnerable to military power, both have their own military capabilities. Both are insisting on enhancing it. If there is a war between these two countries, surely there will be huge losses. After the possibility of a war between the two countries, the questions are also raised which countries will help them? What will be the effect of this help?
The United States says that China is frequently increasing its military capability across the world. Under his BRI project, he is making his military base in different countries. China has invested billions of dollars in the BRI project for this.
Pentagon said in the report that China is continuously working on the development of nuclear-capable missiles, SAT weapons and submarines. China is preparing its military stores in many countries including Pakistan. The delivery of the Chinese army on foreign soil is being done on a global scale to increase its strength. The submarines of China are regularly present in Karachi.
Pentagon’s report, interested in Western Asia, Pacific region, said that China has a particular interest in the Western Asia-Pacific region and Southeast Asia. China wants to make its military base here. China’s main objective behind increasing military capability is to stop the American military intervention of any method in Taiwan, the South, and East Chinese oceans.
In a report sold to Pakistan for billions of weapons, a claim has also been made that China uses Pakistan to show India less. China has sold more than $ 5 billion in arms to Pakistan These include ranging from the cagong armored drones, small arms and 8 yuan-class submarines and 4 type -054a multi-roll warships.
Correcting in Submarine
China is continuously improving its ground and nuclear capacity submarine and developing a nuclear-capable airborne ballistic missile and working on nuclear testing.
Whose military power is the strongest?
According to the report of The Stockholm International Peace Research, military expenditure around the world is growing by 1.2 percent every year. According to this report, the United States alone is at the forefront with 43 percent of the world’s military spending. After this, there are four permanent members of the United Nations Security Council. However, the rest of the members do not fall even around the US. China is second with seven percent. After this, Britain, France, and Russia are around four percent. However, it is not so difficult to understand this major difference in the military expenditure of the US and the Security Council members.
Like the US, the rest of the countries do not employ their troops in international missions or military intervention. Along with that, there are not hundreds of military bases around the world like America. The rest of the countries have limited themselves to national and regional military operations. According to the report of The Stockholm International Peace Research, Russia is at number four on expenditure on military spending. Russia is America, China and Saudi Arabia above.
t year, US Defense Secretary James Matisse had said that the United States is primarily a threat from Russia and should be ready to collide. The presence of America and its military bases are in many countries of the world. In this case, Russia does not stand anywhere in front of it.
Russian President Putin gave an interview to an Italian newspaper. In this interview, he said, “Take a map of the world and mark the US military bases on it. It will be clear from what is the difference between Russia and America. “About Russia, it is said that she shows less than the amount she spends on the army. Despite this, there is a huge difference in the military expenditure of the two countries. The military strength of the country which is the world’s largest economic power is also unmatched. There is no comparison between America and Russia in terms of economic prosperity.
About Russia, it is said that he has the most powerful nuclear weapons in the world and has the ability to destroy the United States. Although defense analysts believe Putin will never take the risk of attacking America because it will be a suicidal step. Both the boundaries do not meet the boundaries, so the attack will occur, then the Bering water will be through Damru Central and Alaska. This means that the two countries do not have a direct threat to each other.
Russia is behind Russia in the front of the Air Force but it can be strategically heavy in Serbia, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya on the operation of the American Air Force. However, many analysts believe that the time of the Cold War is over. International analysts believe Putin’s offensive nationalism will not go to war. This month Russian President Vladimir Putin had said that Russia has prepared a nuclear missile that can kill anywhere in the entire world and can distinguish every goal. Putin claims that it will be impossible to stop the missile.
U.S. President Donald Trump has also ordered the modernization of its nuclear weapons.
In the 1960s, America and the then Soviet Union had openly competed in the field of space forward. Both countries were launching one space program after one another to leave behind each other. At the same time, competing with military satellites was also seen. Because there was an important weapon to monitor satellite intelligence in the undeclared Cold War. However, it is still used extensively to gather intelligence.
According to a report published in the United States of America in 2018, the US has the most military satellites in the world. India is the place after China in terms of military satellite in Asia. The name of the first project of America’s Military Satellite was Weapon System 117 L. After this he launched several large military satellites. Including Wideband Global SATCOM, which has the capability of space warfare.
Find out who has a military satellite
America – 123 satellite
Russia – 74
China – 68
France – 8 Israel –
India – 7
United Kingdom – 7
Germany – 7 Italy –
Japan – 4
The current period of China’s military modernization began in the 1990s. But from the 1990s, when the PLA was equipped with the ‘reverse engineered’ arms from the Soviet era, from the beginning to the beginning of this decade, all attention focused on increasing the quality of weapons and systems of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA). Was there. We are now witnessing the latest phase of China, which began with extensive reforms in its military organization in 2015.
Its aim is to enable China to fight regional warfare with a high emphasis on “naval conflicts”, with high intensity, short-term information (equipped with war scientific and state-of-the-art systems and practices). This means, more than the mainland (Mainland), now being ‘able to fight’ in a complex electromagnetic environment than PLA’s earlier plan. Along with this, China is also planning to reduce its ability to intervene against China in the third party, mainly in the regional crisis of the United States, which means that anti-access / area denial (A2 / AD) capabilities and Develop capabilities for cyber and space-based operations.
China is also planning to reduce its capacity to intervene against China in the regional crisis of the United States primarily. This organization has domestic-political and external military targets. Thus, this improvement at one level has limited the role of its Chairman, Central Military Commission (CMC) on the Communist Party of India and military high command. From the military standpoint, they desire that they should: a) increase the capacity for conducting joint exercises, b) be able to create situations that are called ‘informative’ conditions of the Chinese and c) the situation is created by more than Mainland Do it at a distance. Both of these targets can make China realize the Chinese dream of “a strong army” with Chinese characteristics, which will make China a superpower status until 2049. It will provide diplomatic supremacy to China,
The main focus of the Chinese army is on a possible conflict about the new emergent conditions in the waters of water and the new conditions in the South China Sea and the seas of Japan and Korea. China’s desire is to create an intermediate area of friendly countries in regions adjacent to the land borders in Central Asia and its purpose is to strengthen its rule in Xinjiang and also to extend its control to the first island chain. As the global presence of China is increasing with its growing economic interests, China has a global infrastructure to support its interests in its operational centers in Djibouti and Gwadar and its port rest houses in Sri Lanka and Maldives. Is also producing.
Nuclear: The main goal of China’s modernization efforts in the nuclear sector is to earn a trustworthy second offensive against the US. In 2016, the PLA Second Artillery Force has renamed the PLA Rocket Force and it was upgraded as a complete service. Until the early 1980s, it only existed from nuclear missiles, but it has received conventional missiles from the mid-1990s. This force is directly under the control of CMC and it has 130,000 soldiers operating from six main missile bases equivalent to PLA Group Arms.
The number of China’s nuclear weapons 260 was assessed by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIIPRI) in 2015, which was twice as compared to 2006, which means that the number of its nuclear weapons is increasing. PLARF has continued to deploy TEL-based Dongfang (DF) -31 and DF-31A, DF-5B and C Multiple Independently Targetable Re-Entry Vehicles (MIRV) Tidal missiles and deployed DF-41 Have developed.
China has conducted four trials of Hypersoglyn Glide Vehicle since January 2014. Its aim is to provide China defense against US missile defense. The ‘Science of Military Strategy’ 2015 indicates that the strategy of conventional and nuclear combinations is made in the People’s Liberation Army Rocket Forces (PLARF). China has also deployed several types of medium-range conventional ballistic missiles (IRBM) and land-attack cruise missiles (LACM). DF-26 or ‘Guam Killer’ is a capable ballistic missile in both conventional and nuclear attacks, while DF-21D is a ship-carrying ballistic missile. China has deployed four or five Jin (094) class SSBN submarines and it is decided to deploy JL-2 missile on them to achieve the dependable second firepower. in the future,
The People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) has emerged from the defense of a coastal or seafront, whose focus was on preventing infiltration by the sea route in the 1950s and 1960s and providing assistance in land-related battles. In the 1980s, China defied the communication lines (Lines of Communication or LOC) on the defense of its important maritime region of the Yellow Sea, the East China Sea and the South China Sea, the possibility of the contingency of Taiwan and defense against attack and marine rights and interests Started to think about protecting.
The goals of modernization of China’s navy can be understood by its various, increasing, modern naval exercises. These include further action from the Second Island series and the capture of the island focused on the South China Sea. Class players, The Song, Yuan and K-Class submarines, Luhui (052), Luhai (051b), Sowremeni, Luoyang (052), and Luzhou (051c), Class Destroyers, Jiangwei (053) and Jiang Kai (054) The Jin and Shang Nuclear Attack Sabas, Liaoning and 100 Fourth Generation Combat Aircraft, which is included with the ship Missile Boomer – Power of PLAN with the acquisition of J-10, J-11, SU 30, and 30 H-6 There has been a lot of increase in the. China activated 18 water vessels in 2016 and on January 2017 it deployed an electronic reconnaissance ship.
Modernization of PLAAF has also received incentives for revolution in military matters (RMA) issues and the balance of power with Taiwan and a large presence of PLA in the ocean. Second Bay War demonstrated the importance of long-distance precision attacks using consolidated intelligence, monitoring, and reconnaissance networks.
Presently, the PLAF is developing J-10B Followup on its indigenous fourth-generation fighter aircraft and is acquiring 24 SU-35s with its advanced radar. By the end of this decade, we can see China’s first fifth-generation fighters like J-20 Entertainment Service. In 2015, it tested the fifth and sixth prototypes of fighter planes. In addition, China is modernizing its bomber fleet by upgrading the H-6 bomber so that each fleet can carry 6 LACM loads.
After two years, its details have become more clear. In September 2015, She announced a reduction of 300,000 people in order to bring the number strength to 20 lakh. In the subsequent months, She announced big changes in the PLA so that PLA could be organized and its leadership could be smoothly managed. In November 2015, the current Military Area Commands (MAC) will be reconstituted in the new Action Areas Command, which will be inspected by the CMC. A new three-level system will be created and a separate representative chain of command will link the headquarters of the four armies to the units. All of these are expected to be implemented in the next five years.
In January 2016, all the four General Departments who had led PLA till now – 15 functional units have been replaced in place of General Staff, General Political Department, General Logistics Department, and General Assurance Department. A Joint Staff Department has replaced the powerful General Staff Department, but it has probably lost control of training and education, organization, strategic planning and possibly cyber warfare and EW units.
In this way, she has strengthened the higher command structure and has increased the jurisdiction of the CMC. The new system has been named “CMC Chairman Response System”. This system has developed two distinct lines of rights under the CMC-different armies manage their respective forces while the theater command wars. Both report the CMC and in that respect to the Communist Party. However, the organizational reforms started in 2015, are planned to be fully functional in 2020, which will be presented as an achievement on the occasion of the first millennium anniversary of the establishment of CPC in 2021.
China is rapidly improving its military force and its firepower is increasing sharply compared to that, which was estimated to be up to a few years ago. However, what would be the implications of these changes for China’s emergence as a credible global military force, at this point it remains still unclear and uncertain.