Brokerage issues to come under MahaRERA
After the sale of apartments in the cost of development or cost of construction of a project, marketing and brokerage MahaRERA will not be included, establishes final revision. These expenses, though they are part of the cost of the project, should not be considered for the amount that is required to deposit in the developer must maintain a separate account where he deposits the money that should be used for the development of the project. the designated separate account, which essentially means that a broker can now contact
The Authority if Its broking ends Money should be used only for the MahaRERA purposes of construction and development of the project in this account.
This means that money cannot be diverted Promoter and the successful bidder is provided by a registered real estate agent, all the amounts (including taxes) are called by the real estate agent registered as remuneration /duty/service fee/commission/ brokerage, promoter/awardee Will be paid by either In the event that the transaction executed by this agreement between the developer and the successful bidder is provided by a registered real estate agent Feel that to make sales, advertising, marketing and brokerage costs are an integral part of the cost of the project .
According to the last revision in the rules issued by the Housing Department on June 6, Maharashtra Real Estate Regulatory Authority (MAHARA).
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