Beware, the virus spreads like cigarette smoke, WHO also accepted after many research

The WHO believes that the possibility of the corona virus spreading through the air at low airflows cannot be ruled out.
The corona virus can spread not just by touching a surface or coming in contact with an infected person, but also through the air. The World Health Organization has now confirmed this. Although the WHO has so far ruled out airborne infections, some research results have changed its opinion. The WHO believes that the possibility of the corona virus spreading through the air at congested and low airflows cannot be ruled out.
Called the super spreader
Scientists say that the infection through air is now spreading more. This is called super spreader dispersion. In such cases, the infected person infects many more people in one go. The infection does not necessarily spread through the mouth or nose. The virus can enter the body through other means as well.
The virus spreads like cigarette smoke
Scientists focused on small particles, which circulate in the air like cigarette smoke.
These particles are carried by air and rise upwards from body heat.
In addition, these particles can remain in the air for a few minutes to several hours.
These particles are called aerosols and can spread up to a distance of 6 feet.
That is why it is called keeping distance between each other like protocol.
Study is also being done in India
Many cases occurred in the country in which the suffering patient became corona while living at home. Given the speed of the corona, the possibility of its spreading in the air has increased. In this way, the Center for Cellular and Molecular Biology of CAIR has started a study of the distance and environment of the virus from the corona infected person to the air. CCMB director Rakesh Mishra said that the aim of the study started about 10 days ago is to know if the virus can actually spread through the air and if it does, how far can it go and how long can it be present? is. In this, samples will be collected using air samplers from different distances of two, four and eight meters of the patient from different places of the hospital like ICU or Kovid-19 ward. It is a strategy to improve the safety of healthcare workers.
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