Berries are effective in reducing control from diabetes to obesity.

Apart from being delicious, this fruit is also very beneficial for health.
Jamun gets included in seasonal fruits with the onset of rain. The taste of the berries is unique in its mild sweetness with sweetness. It has many medicinal properties. Let us know how it benefits our health.
Nutritional value (per 150 grams)
Sugar: 10 grams, potassium: 233 mg, phosphorus: 32 mg, magnesium: 29 mg, vitamin C: 10.3 mg, sodium: 1 mg
Beneficial in diabetes
The glycemic index of berries is very low. Therefore, the amount of sugar in it is limited and it proves beneficial for diabetes patients. Even in its kernels, many such elements are found, which are helpful in controlling the rising levels of sugar. Its kernel powder proves beneficial for diabetes patients.
Immunity makes strong
The antioxidants are found in plenty in berries, which strengthen the body’s immunity. Berries should be consumed to prevent infectious diseases such as coughs, colds, and fever due to bacteria and viruses.
Obesity controls
It is helpful in controlling the body’s metabolism process. This prevents fat from accumulating in the body. Its intake also prevents problems like obesity and heart disease.
Increases hemoglobin
Elements like iron and zinc are found in it. Therefore, it is also helpful in increasing the amount of hemoglobin in the blood.
Helpful in lowering cholesterol
Berries are rich in fiber. If consumed daily, there is no problem of constipation and acidity. Apart from this, vitamin C and fiber present in it is also helpful in reducing harmful cholesterol LDL.
Avoiding Alzheimer’s
Berries contain elements such as sodium, potassium, copper, magnesium, and phosphorus, which serve to strengthen neurons associated with brain cells and nervous systems. Its service helps in strengthening the memory power and also helps in preventing problems like Alzheimer’s.
Helpful in fighting cancer
Vitamin C in the berries, combined with the anti-oxidant elements, is helpful in fighting intestinal and liver cancer. Not only this, it also reduces the side effects of chemotherapy.
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