Benefits of Breastfeeding – Dr. Garima Tyagi
Breastfeeding, for ages has been considered as the best source of food with rich nutrients, proteins and vitamins for a new born baby. Not only the mother’s milk is the optimal source of nutrient for the baby, but also it can be easily digested by the baby and can be readily available.
Following are the benefits of breastfeeding the new born baby-
The baby becomes healthy –The chances of catching diseases like pneumonia, colds and virus are reduced to a greater extent if the baby is breastfeed. Also, gastrointestinal infections like diarrhoea which can have devastating effect to a new born child are also less common for a child who is breastfeed.
Long Term Protection – Breastfeeding the baby also greatly reduces the development of chronic diseases in a child like Diabetes and celiac diseases.
Well Developed bones– According to studies, women who breastfeed their child have a lower risk of catching up with postmenopausal osteoporosis. This is because; women when lactating absorb calcium more efficiently. Thus, the bones, particularly in the areas of hips and spines at less dense when weaning but become denser after six months of pregnancy.
Perfect Weight – Breastfeeding ensures that both the new born baby as well as the mother maintains a good bodyweight. Mothers do not become obese and on the other hand children don’t have the risk of underweight or overweight in their first year after birth.
Less risk of Cancer – Breastfeeding reduces the risk of children having cancer. Also, in the case of mothers, it lowers the risk of premenopausal breast cancer, ovarian cancer and other forms of cancer.
The other advantages of breastfeeding for babies are-
- Lower risk of allergies
- Lower risk of obesity and diabetes 1 and 2
- Lower incidence of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
- Great source of perfect Brain Development
- Reduces the risk of Ear Infections
- Provides the perfect nutrients for the growth of the immune system which no other food source can
- Respond better to immunization like Polio and Tetanus
- Provides protection against respiratory infections
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