Asthma increases in the rainy season
The rainy season has come and in this season, asthma is a sign of asthma attack. However, it can be avoided with little care and with a little caution.

Why does asthma disease increase during monsoon?
Doctors in this regard say, “At this time, there is a lot of spread of polyline grains in the atmosphere. In addition, due to increased humidity, the fungus also increases. This increases the incidence of an asthma attack. Due to rain, the presence of dissolved chemicals like sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide increases the level of air pollution, which is fatal for asthmatics. Some viral infections also increase in monsoons, which increase the risk of asthma.
Prevention measures
Considering some important things, asthma can be kept under control. Asthma medication should be taken regularly. Most people with asthma take medicines (usually this is an inhalation corticosteroid) because it causes problems in the respiratory process. Studies have shown that regular consumption of medicines reduces the risk of asthma. If the doctor has asked asthma medicine to eat daily, then this advice is important. A dose should not be missed, it should be taken care of.
How low the risk of asthma?
– The dry and humid area regularly. Use humidity to keep humidity from 25 percent to 50 percent using the heat-finish equipment.
– If possible, use AC.
– Clean the bathrooms regularly and use the products that are capable of eliminating bacteria.
– Use the exhaust fan and do not let moisture in the house.
– Keep the dogs out of the bedroom.
– While using paint, use a fungal chemical in painting, which can prevent the fungal from growing.
– Clear the fungal visible and use cleaning solutions containing bile and detergents.
– Stay inside the day of humid or strong wind, because the amount of polyene grain on this day is high in the atmosphere.
– Continue windows to stop the collagen grains.
– Pilose and carpets are allergen-resistant.
– Pill pillows and beds away from wings. Wash your bed with hot water once a week.
– Do not use the term. Put a mask on the face while doing the vacuuming. If someone in your home has asthma, do not vacuum at that time when he is in the room.
– Clean the floor dust with soiled clothes and clean the lampshades and windows.
– Replace the filters of the heater and air conditioners regularly.
– Do not stay here for such friends and relatives, who have pets. If you go there, then decide whether you have asthma or allergy medicines.