Anti-aging plan: Include these 5 things in the diet, slow down the pace of aging

Wrinkles near the eyes and forehead keep us feeling this thing again and again.
So it is not possible to avoid it, but you can slow its pace by including these things in the diet.
Hardly anyone would dream of looking younger than their age. But we do not easily find the changes to be done for it, which are very simple, just the right food and regular lifestyle. If you have learned to balance these, then the age wave cannot even touch you. You will look even more beautiful, beautiful and young. Apart from fruits and vegetables, there are many foods in which anti-aging elements are found in sufficient quantities. By including them in your daily diet, you can stay young for a long time.
Orange: Like kiwi fruit, capsicum, broccoli, orange also contains vitamin C, which is helpful in repairing damaged free radicals and protecting against aging. In the UK, a research conducted on 4,025 women aged 40–74 years found that vitamin C is 36 percent helpful in getting rid of wrinkles.
Spinach: Green leafy vegetables such as spinach and watercress have a significant amount of lutein, which helps in curing age-related eye diseases and wrinkles.
Nuts: All dried fruits are generally good sources of selenium. Selenium is an antioxidant that helps reduce the symptoms of aging.
Kabuli gram: Beans and pulses have a very high oracle scale. Most pulses (especially gram dal, moong dal, rajma and masoor dal) and beans contain an element called phytates and phytoestrogens, which is helpful in preventing certain types of cancer.
Tomato : Tomato contains sufficient amount of lycopene which helps in getting rid of streaks by tightening the skin. According to a research, the inclusion of 5 tablespoon mater paste in your daily diet makes the skin radiant. It gets tight. It also protects the skin against harmful UV rays by 33 percent.
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