Another major achievement named NASA, landing the Humanoid robot at the International Space Station

The US space agency NASA has achieved another major achievement. NASA has taken a humanoid robot to the International Space Station (ISS). This robot is manufactured in Russia. This is the first time that a humanoid robot has been on the ISS. Giving this information, NASA said that the Soyuz spacecraft has successfully landed on the ISS.
it is worth mentioning that last week was to be launched on the ISS on Saturday, but due to a flaw in its automated system, the vehicle failed to land on the ISS. The landing of Soyuz is being broadcast live on ISS. The vehicle was 96 meters from the ISS during this time.
Soyuz MS-14 spacecraft carrying a robot named Fedor, sent to investigate the emergency rescue system, left for ISS from Kazakhstan’s Baikanur space center on Thursday morning. It was supposed to arrive on ISS on Saturday. Soyuz usually goes to the ISS carrying astronauts, but this time it has been left unmanned to check the emergency rescue system.
Robot Fedor is seated on the pilot seat. Robot Fedor is seated on the pilot seat of Soyuz. He also has a small flag of Russia in his hand. The robot is five feet 11 inches in length and weighs 160 kg. This robot will remain on the ISS for ten days and will learn to help astronauts.
Humanoid means that looking like a human, a humanoid robot is a robot that looks like humans. This robot is shaped like a human body. It is used for interaction with human equipment and environments and for experimental purposes.