America us man caught at airport with missile launcher

Washington, Agency. US Transport Security officials on Monday seized a missile launcher from a person from the airport in the Washington area.
It is being told that this person lives in the US state of Texas. The person said about the launcher that he was coming to Kuwait as a Souvenir.
Information about this matter has been tweeted by Transport Security Administration (TSA) spokesman Lisa Farbstein.
This person told TSA that he was returning the launcher as a sign from Kuwait. Perhaps he should have brought a bunch of keys instead. Tell that this person is a resident of Jacksonville in Texas.
TSA has issued a statement on this incident, according to which this person was an active military worker.
TSA said that luckily the item was not a living device, it was seized and handed over to the state’s fire marshal to destroy it safely.”
The statement also includes images appearing in the form of a launch tube for the Griffin missile.
Although Raytheon, who created this missile, says that “It is an accurate, low-collateral-damage weapon for irregular war operations.
He further said that “it is a proven track record for rapid integration on land, sea and air platforms.”
At the same time, TSA has said that there is no permission to bring military arms like this in the check or carry-on bag in the flight.