America Researchers create new catalyst that can turn carbon dioxide into fuels

Boston, Pret. Imagine what happens if we can convert the carbon dioxide we are emitting into fuel? Not only will we be able to avoid many diseases, but we will also have options for natural gas. Even if it sounds like a fantasy, American scientists have turned it into reality. In fact, scientists have developed a catalyst that can convert carbon dioxide from a car’s pipe and other snow into fuel.
Scientists were also somewhat successful in this direction in several recent studies, but the latest approach by engineers at Stanford University in the US can produce four times more ethane, propane and butane than current methods. The biggest thing is that the way to prepare it is the same as other processes. According to a study published in a journal called Angéwandte Chemie, this method may not completely clear the polluted climate, but it can reduce the effects of global warming to a great extent.
Fuel made from carbon dioxide will reduce the effects of global warming
Scientists have developed a catalyst that can convert carbon dioxide from car pipes and other snow into fuel.
Boston, Pret. Imagine what happens if we can convert the carbon dioxide we are emitting into fuel? Not only will we be able to avoid many diseases, but we will also have options for natural gas. Even if it sounds like a fantasy, American scientists have turned it into reality. In fact, scientists have developed a catalyst that can convert carbon dioxide from a car’s pipe and other snow into fuel.
Scientists were also somewhat successful in this direction in several recent studies, but the latest approach by engineers at Stanford University in the US can produce four times more ethane, propane and butane than current methods. The biggest thing is that the way to prepare it is the same as other processes. According to a study published in a journal called Angéwandte Chemie, this method may not completely clear the polluted climate, but it can reduce the effects of global warming to a great extent.
Lab success
Matteo Cargello, an assistant professor at Stanford University and the leader of the study, said, “Now we can imagine a cycle of carbon where the fuel can be produced and burnt by carbon dioxide and then to create new carbon dioxide.” And can be converted back to fuel again. Although researchers have proven this process in the laboratory, they hope that in the future it can be used to produce sufficient quantities of fuel.
Target to reduce poisonous producers
The researchers said, ‘Now their next step is to reduce toxic producers like carbon monoxide generated during the manufacture of fuel. In this manner, the team of researchers is trying to develop fuel as well as other profitable products. One of these products is alkyne, which is widely used in the industrial sector. Its main component is plastic.
Fuel is made in two stages
The researchers said that the process of converting carbon dioxide into fuel is completed in two stages. The first phase reduces carbon monoxide to carbon monoxide. In the second, carbon dioxide is combined with hydrogen to form hydrocarbon fuel. He said that methane was the simplest of these fuels, but other fuels were produced with the help of ethane, propane and butane.
Fuel made from carbon dioxide, will reduce the effects of global warming
Scientists have developed a catalyst that can convert carbon dioxide from car pipes and other snow into fuel.
Boston, Pret. Imagine what happens if we can convert the carbon dioxide we are emitting into fuel? Not only will we be able to avoid many diseases, but we will also have options for natural gas. Even if it sounds like a fantasy, American scientists have turned it into reality. In fact, scientists have developed a catalyst that can convert carbon dioxide from a car’s pipe and other snow into fuel.
Scientists were also somewhat successful in this direction in several recent studies, but the latest approach by engineers at Stanford University in the US can produce four times more ethane, propane and butane than current methods. The biggest thing is that the way to prepare it is the same as other processes. According to a study published in a journal called Angéwandte Chemie, this method may not completely clear the polluted climate, but it can reduce the effects of global warming to a great extent.
Lab success
Matteo Cargello, an assistant professor at Stanford University and the leader of the study, said, “Now we can imagine a cycle of carbon where the fuel can be produced and burnt by carbon dioxide and then to create new carbon dioxide.” And can be converted back to fuel again. Although researchers have proven this process in the laboratory, they hope that in the future it can be used to produce sufficient quantities of fuel.
Target to reduce poisonous producers
The researchers said, ‘Now their next step is to reduce toxic producers like carbon monoxide generated during the manufacture of fuel. In this manner, the team of researchers is trying to develop fuel as well as other profitable products. One of these products is alkyne, which is widely used in the industrial sector. Its main component is plastic.
Fuel is made in two stages
The researchers said that the process of converting carbon dioxide into fuel is completed in two stages. The first phase reduces carbon monoxide to carbon monoxide. In the second, carbon dioxide is combined with hydrogen to form hydrocarbon fuel. He said that methane was the simplest of these fuels, but other fuels were produced with the help of ethane, propane and butane.
Gases are used in these areas
Researchers said ethane is closely related to natural gases. It can be used for ethylene used in the industrial sector. Propane is commonly used in power plants, while butane is used to burn stoves. Such a catalyst: Cargello said, ‘Instead of working in stages to make fuel, we can complete both phases in the same process, which is also more effective. For this we created a new catalyst, which can separate an oxygen molecule from carbon dioxide and combine it with hydrogen. ‘