America reduction in carbon emissions is necessary to avoid drowning

New York, Reuters. If we want to avoid a dangerous rise in the water level of the oceans, then the world will have to rein in carbon emissions immediately.
If steps are not taken in this direction, many cities of the world will not be saved from sinking, drying up rivers and destroying marine life. The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report warned about this.
Immediate and stringent steps have to be taken
The report said that the bad effects of global warming can be avoided by taking some strict steps now. If this is not done then no human in the world will be able to escape its ill effects.
IPCC chief Hosang Lee said, ‘We are caught in the middle of two types of race. The first race is to improve human ability and environment and the second race is the pace of climate change.
The report is indicating that we are losing the race. We have to take immediate and strict steps towards curbing emissions. ‘
The sea level can rise up to five meters
The report was prepared by over 100 experts based on an analysis of over 7,000 academic and research documents on the effects of the warming oceans, melting the ice of Greenland and Antarctica, and shrinking glaciers.
The report says that by the year 2100, the sea level can rise by one meter. This rate of increase in water level is 10 times higher than in the last century. By the year 2300, the water level may increase by five meters.
64 percent of glaciers will end
In the Hindu Kush Himalayan (HKH) region, 10 rivers get water from glaciers. These include the Ganges and the Yangtze River of China as well. If carbon emissions could not be controlled, glaciers could shrink rapidly.
By 2100, 64 percent of the glacier of this region may be over. As a result, water scarcity will occur in large parts of Asia. This will affect the regions of India, China, Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Afghanistan.
The IPCC report attracted world attention in October last year. It stated that the world would have to halve its carbon emissions in the next decade to achieve the target set in the 2015 Paris Agreement.
Andaman and Nicobar Islands will not survive
Islands such as Andaman, Nicobar, and Maldives will not be able to survive for the next few years due to rising sea levels and events like cyclones. People living in these areas may have to settle in other places.
The report also states that from 2050 onwards, many large coastal cities and small island countries of the world may have to face weather attacks every year.