Silica deposits found in Mars crater, rover will tell what kind of material is present

New York. Researchers, after studying data from the US space agency NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, discovered reserves of hydrated silica in a crater on the red planet, which is believed to be a good mineral for preserving chemical signals of life. NASA is also planning to land a rover next year in this crater. The study, published in a journal called Geophysical Research Letter, states that this crater, named Jaziro, contained many materials that the rivers had swept away centuries ago and dumped around their deltas.
Researchers for this study included researchers from Brown University in the US. Researchers analyzed the silica present in this crater using a Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer (CRIS). Researchers said that these red planet deltas also have many such materials as Earth, which is an important signal for life expectancy. According to the researchers, the addition of hydrated silica in Mars’ Zagiro crater has enhanced the ability to preserve the chemical patterns of life. He said, “They have also found a silica stock here which is at the edge of the delta at low altitude.”

Double bonus success
Jack Mustard, a Brown University professor and co-author of the study, said, ‘The material that forms the lowest layer of the delta sometimes contains the highest biological indicators. So if you find the bottom layer of that material and there is a lot of silica present in it then it is like a double bonus. ‘ Studies have suggested that many other minerals may also be discovered in the region.
Researchers said that with the erosion of volcanoes and geological plates, it was also possible that the minerals of Jaziro could have come upstream instead of being buried in the sediment of the rivers, and that it would have been the crater itself. But no such incident was revealed in the study. In such a situation the rover should have the ability to detect the actual snowflakes.

What material will the rover tell?
Brown University researcher and co-author of the study, Jesse Tarnes, said, “We can get amazing high-resolution images from Orbit and data related to its size, but to a lesser extent about the making of these minerals Can get information. ‘ He said that through the devices installed on the rover, we have been able to find out what kind of material is present in the craters of Mars.
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