America: Dark matter may be older than the big bang study published in journal physical review letters

In a new study, scientists have claimed that dark matter (invisible matter) already exists in the universe even before the Big Bang.
It is believed that 80 percent of the total mass of the universe is made up of dark matter. In a study published in the journal Physical Review Letters, researchers have presented a new idea based on astronomical hypotheses regarding the origin and identity of dark matter.
Tommy Tencannon, a post-doctoral fellow at John Hopkins University in the United States, said the study explores the new relationship between particle physics and astronomy.
He said that if the dork matter exists in the form of new particles, which were born from the Big Bang, they also affect the galaxies. Tencannon said that through this relationship, they can be detected before the Big Bang.
Gravitational effects have effects
Not much has been known about the origin of this substance yet, but according to astronomers, dark matter plays an important role in the formation of galaxies and clusters of galaxies.
It is invisible. It cannot be directly detected, but its gravitational effects affect matter, planets, bodies, etc. in space.
Leftover after the big bang
Researchers speculate that dark matter is the residue after the Big Bang. Researchers also conducted long-term studies to detect this, but all experiments have been unsuccessful.
Tencannon stated that if Dark Matter was indeed a remnant of the Big Bang, in many cases researchers should have already found direct indications of Dark Matter in various particle physics experiments, but it did not.
This means that Dark Matter is already present before the Big Bang.
What is dark matter
Dark matter is an unproven substance. Any substance can be detected by the radiation emitted from it, but dark matter cannot be detected by the radiation emitted.
Their existence is estimated by their gravitational effects on visible substances. Scientists speculate that dark matter is composed of particles called neutralinos.
Universe made of the big bang
The universe was born as a result of a great explosion. Billions of years ago, the universe was in the form of an atomic unit. At that time no concept like human time and place existed.
According to the Big Bang theory, a blast that occurred about 13.7 billion years ago emitted excessive energy. This energy was so high that the effect of the universe continues to spread even today.
Everything we are able to see in the universe today is the result of Bing Bang.