America countries with strong womens rights grow faster

New York, IANS The progress of any country depends on the health of its citizens. In a recent study published, researchers have told the mainstay of the progress of any country’s’ rights of women’.
Researchers believe that in countries where women’s rights are protected and they are given the freedom to work without any discrimination, there will definitely be growing faster than other countries and more people will be healthy.
In the study published in ‘BMJ Open’, it has been reported that most poor countries are backward because the people there are indifferent to women’s rights.
Researchers said that the results of the study confirm that if a country lacks resources but there is a strong human rights structure then surely the health of the people there will be better.
The researchers said that the purpose of this study was to find out whether the safety of women’s rights could be a link between health improvement and sustainable development.
For this study, researchers analyzed the health, human rights of 162 countries, as well as the database of economic and social rights, between the years 2004-2010.
Researchers said that analysis of the data has shown that strong economic and social rights related to better health consequences.
In countries having strong women’s rights, people get health better than others.
Researchers said that instead of limiting our growth, we need to empower human rights and women’s economic and social rights, its benefits can be found by every citizen of the country.