America Attack on Parliament did not happen suddenly, spark was burning for 65 days

America: Attack on Parliament did not happen suddenly, spark was burning for 65 days

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America Attack on Parliament did not happen suddenly, spark was burning for 65 days

The kind of incidents which have been witnessed in Washington in the past, many people are in a hurry. But people monitoring the online activities of ultra-right groups and conspirators had foreseen such a crisis.

The night Donald Trump was on the stage of the East Room of the White House, he declared victory on the same day the votes were cast for the US presidency. He had said, “We are preparing to win this election. If we say it clearly, we have won this election.”

His address came an hour after his own tweet. He tweeted an hour ago, “They are trying to steal election results.”

Although he did not win the election. There was no victory, which someone would try to steal. But facts did not matter to his overzealous supporters and still do not.

After 65 days, a group of rioters destroyed the capital building of America. These riots included a wide variety of people, groups of extremist right-wingers, online trolls and Donald Trump pro-Qinon people who believe that the world is being run by a group of pedophiles and Trump will teach everyone a lesson. These people also included members of ‘Stop the Steel’, a group of Trump supporters who accused them of rigging the election.

On January 8, about 48 hours after the riots at Washington’s Capitol House, Twitter began shutting down some of Trump’s most influential accounts, these were accounts that were constantly promoting conspiracies and direct action to reverse the election results. Were provoking people to do. Not only this, Twitter also banned President Donald Trump’s account after this. The reason behind banning Trump’s account of more than 88 million followers has been told that his tweet threatens to create more violence.

The world is shocked by the violence in Washington and it seemed that police and officers are not present in America. But it is not surprising for those who were watching the link of this incident online and in the streets of American cities.

Election results can be affected, Donald Trump was saying this through his speeches and tweets months before the vote was cast. Even on the day of election, when the Americans started voting, the era of rumors started.

The polling agent of the Republican Party did not get permission to enter the Philadelphia polling station. The video prohibiting entry of this polling agent went viral. This was due to a mistake in understanding the rules. Later this man was allowed to enter the polling station.

But it was included in those initial videos which went viral for several days. Along with this, a new hashtag ‘# Stop the Steel’ was raised through other videos, photographs and graphics that the vote has to be rigged. The message of this hashtag was clear that Trump had won by a huge vote but the forces in the power establishment were stealing the victory from him.

On Wednesday, November 4, 2020, in the early hours of the day as counting of votes continued and three days were left on TV networks to announce Joe Biden’s victory, President Trump had claimed the victory, alleging that Americans The public is being cheated. However, there was no evidence in favor of his claim. However, the study of the first elections in the US, it is clear that any disturbance in the counting of votes is absolutely impossible

By midday, a Facebook group called ‘Stop the Steel’ was formed, which proved to be the fastest growing group in the history of Facebook. By Thursday morning, more than three lakh people had joined this group.

In most of the posts, without any proof that allegations were being rigged in a large number of votes, it was also said that thousands of people have died. It was also alleged that the vote counting machine has been designed in such a way that it is counting Trump’s votes in Biden’s votes.

But some posts were really more worrying, in these posts the need for civil war and revolution was being told. By Thursday afternoon, Facebook removed the Stop the Steel page, but by then more than half a million comments, likes and reactions were received on this page. By the time this page was removed, dozens of such groups were ready.

The talk of stealing Trump’s votes was spreading online. Soon, a dedicated website called Stop the Steel was launched in the name of protecting votes. On Saturday, November 7, major news networks declared Joe Biden the winner of the election. In the stronghold of the Democrats, people took to the streets to celebrate. But the online reactions of Trump’s overzealous supporters were displeasing and challenging the outcome.

These people proposed a rally in Washington DC on Saturday in the name of Million Make America Great Again March. Trump also tweeted about this, that they can try to stop it through demonstrations. Earlier, not many people had gathered at Trump supporter rallies in Washington, but thousands gathered at Freedom Plaza on Saturday morning.

An extremist researcher called the crowd of this rally the beginning of a revolt by Trump supporters. When the convoy of trump vehicles passed through the city, supporters vied for a glimpse of them. Trump was seen in front of supporters wearing the cap of ‘Make America Great Again’.

The rally included ultra-right groups, anti-migrants and members of the men’s group Proud Boys who were carrying out street violence and later entering the American Capitol Building. It was attended by the army, right-wing media and all those who advocated conspiracy theories.

By nightfall, reports of violent clashes had started coming in from Trump supporters and their opponents, in which an incident occurred five blocks away from the White House. Although the police was also involved in these violence, but it could be predicted from the coming days.

By now, President Trump and his legal team had set expectations on dozens of legal cases, although several courts had rejected allegations of rigging in the election, but Trump’s online world of Trump lawyers, Sidney Powell and L. Lynn Wood, two lawyers close to Trump She was attached to expectations.

Sidney Powell and Lynn Wood had assured that they would prepare the rigging case in such an elaborate manner that Biden’s declarations of election victory would come out as soon as the case came to light.

Powell, 65, is a Conservative Activist and has been a former Government Advocate. He told Fox News that efforts are being made to release Kraken. Kraken is mentioned in Scandavian folklore, a giant sea monster who rushes out to feed his enemies.

After his statement, all kinds of mimes started appearing on the Internet about the Kraken, through all this the words of rigging in the election were being repeated without any proof. Powell and Wood emerged as a hero between Trump supporters and QNOn Conspiracy Theory supporters. A believer in the AQN Conspiracy Theory believes that Trump and his secret army are fighting against the Democratic Party, the media, business houses and the pedophiles present in Hollywood. The two lawyers became a bridge between the president and his conspirators. Most of these supporters were involved in the violence in the Capitol Building on 6 January.

Powell and Wood managed to capitalize on the outrage of supporters online, but legally both could not do anything special. Both of them prepared a 200-page charge sheet by the end of November, but most of them were based on the Conspiracy Theory and these charges were automatically dismissed which had been dismissed in court dozens of times. Not only this, along with the mistakes of the law, the mistakes of spelling and typing mistakes were also seen in this document.

But its discussion continued in the online world. Prior to the violence in the Capitol Building, ‘Kraken’ and ‘Release the Kraken’ had been used more than a million times on Twitter only.

When the court rejected Trump’s legal appeal, extremist rightists began to target election personnel and officials. A Georgia election worker was threatened with death. Republican officials from the province, including Governor Brian Camp, Secretary-of-State Brad Rafsperger and Gabriel Sterling, in charge of the province’s electoral system, came to be called online traitors.

Sterling issued a warning on December 1 about emotional and future fears. He said, “Somebody is going to get hurt, somebody is going to be shot, somebody is going to die and this is not right”.

In early December, Jacqueline Benson, Michigan’s Secretary of State, was grooming a Christmas tree with her four-year-old son at her home in Detroit when she heard a commotion outside. About 30 protesters were shouting Stop the Steel on the megaphone with a banner poster outside their house. One protester shouted, “Benson you are a villain.” Another said, “You are a threat to democracy.” A protestor was doing Facebook live on this occasion and was saying that his group is not going to move away from here.

This example shows how the protesters were treating people associated with the voting process. Trump supporters in Georgia continued to drive vehicles with the Horns outside Rafensparger’s home. His wife received threats of sexual violence.

Protesters in Arizona gathered outside the house of Katy Hobbs, the province minister of Democrats (Secretary of State). These protesters were constantly saying, “We are watching you.”

On December 11, the US Supreme Court quashed an attempt to dismiss the election results in the province of Texas.

As the legal and political doors were closing in front of Trump, Trump supporters were becoming violent on online platforms. On December 12, the second rally of Stop the Steel was held in Washington DC. Thousands of supporters gathered in this rally once again. People from extreme right-wing people to Make America Great Aigen to those involved in military movements have participated.

Trump’s former national security adviser Michael Flynn compared these protesters to biblical soldiers and priests who demolished Jericho’s wall. The rally called for the ‘Jericho March’ to change the electoral outcome. Nick Fuenets, leader of the radical right-wing movement Growers, who described the Republican Party as moderate, told these protesters, “We are going to destroy the Republican Party.”

Violence erupted during this rally as well.

Two days later, Electrol College sealed Biden’s victory. This is also one of the important steps required for the US President to take over.

On online platforms, Trump supporters began to see that all the legal avenues were closed, in such a situation, they felt that direct action was the only option to save the trump. After the election, apart from Flynn, Powell and Wood, another person online managed to quickly gain a place among Trump supporters.

Ron Watkins, son of Jim Watkins, a US businessman and promoter of Imageboard 8Chan and 8Kun, emerged as a supporter of Trump on online platforms. In tweets that went viral on 17 December, Ron Watkins advised Donald Trump that he should follow the path of the Roman Emperor Julius Caesar and use military loyalty to restore democracy.

Ron Vaticans encouraged more than half a million followers to make Cross the Robican a tweeter trend. Julius Caesar started the war by crossing the Robikan River in 49 BC. People from the mainland also used this hashtag. It also included Republican Party leader Callie Ward in Arizona. In another tweet, Ron Watkins suggested to Trump that he should use the sedition law under which the military and other police forces are empowered after the president.

On December 18, Trump held a strategic meeting with Powell, Flynn and others at the White House. According to the New York Times, during this meeting, Flynn suggested Trump hold re-election under the military by applying martial law. After this meeting, once again talks started between right-wing groups in the online world about war and revolution. Many people came to see the joint session of the US Congress on January 6, which is a formality. But Trump supporters also expected Vice President Mike Pence.

He was scheduled to preside over the January 6 event, with Trump supporters hoping Mike Pence would ignore the Electrol College votes. It was being said in the mutual discussion of these people that after that, the President will deploy the army to deal with any kind of rebellion and will order the arrest on the large scale of the election riggers and sent them to the army prison of Guantenamo Bay. Will go. But all this was happening among the Trump supporters in the online world, it seemed impossible to be on the ground truth. But Trump supporters gave it the form of movement and thousands of people reached Washington on January 6 by mutual support and traveling together from across the country.

There is no evidence of any of these things, but it definitely proves one thing. Whatever Donald Trump’s, the people who committed violence in the American Capitol Building are not going to calm down in the coming days.

With additional reporting by Olga Robinson and Jack Horton

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