After all, why don’t bats die from Coronavirus, if the virus has come from them?
If the corona virus has reached humans by the bat and humans are getting infected in such large numbers with this virus. They are also dying, so why do bats themselves not die from this Coronavirus? Know here the answer to this question

A special host is needed to jump from an animal to an animal and spread itself as much as possible. Most of the characteristics that are required for a virus to thrive and spread are found in bats. This is the reason why Coronavirus in bats continue to thrive and mutations
An animal has certain characteristics that are necessary for it to become an intermediate host of a virus. Like bats. In which the corona virus lives and by constantly changing itself, it can make itself more deadly …
– These things are included in the characteristics that a virus looks for in an organism. First of all, that organism should be long. According to this, bats make a good host for more and more viruses. The normal lifespan of a bat is between 16 and 40 years.
Also, the virus wants animals that live in large numbers together. So that the virus spreads itself more and more rapidly. This quality also occurs in bats.
-Virus requires close social interaction of its host organism. You can understand close social interaction by staying very close and staying in the herd.
– For the growth of the virus it is necessary that the organism has good ability to fly so that it can travel long distances at once and help the virus to spread far and wide.
In the case of Mers, the virus came from bats into the Arabian camel and made him its natural reservoir host. The camel accidentally transmitted it to humans.
-But because the human-to-human transmission of mars does not last long. That is why in the case of Mars, Human is called Dead and Host. That is, hosts in which the virus has come to an end.
– By comparison, mars were much less harmful to camels. In comparison, SARS corona-1 in sevats (wild organism) and SARS corona-2 virus in pangolin (wild organism) are lethal (pathogenic) for them.
-Mutation: Because the corona virus is a single-stranded RNA virus, it has a lot of mutations (changes in the genome). This is why the corona virus quickly adapts to new hosts.
– It should be understood that when the mars virus made the camel its host, it adopted it and survived it. But when he came to humans after jumping, he could not adapt them as his host and it ended.
Based on the separate research conducted so far in the case of Kovid-19, it is coming out that the mutations in SARS corona-2 have been found less than the normal corona virus.
It is being speculated that this virus has been introduced into humans. That is, it has adopted man as its host.
-If these research proves to be correct then it can be good news for our scientists. Because the vaccines and antiviral drugs that our scientists are developing to treat this virus, they will remain effective for a long time.
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