The winter season is a perfect time to grow flowering plants at home. Here are 5 flowering plants that bloom during the winter season.

Alyssum This flowering plant features a cluster of tiny white and pink flowers that bloom beautifully during winters. The flowers of this plant are honey-scented and they can be an excellent addition to your home garden.

Aster blossoms with colourful daisy-like flowers. It grows perfectly in cold weather and requires very little maintenance.

Zinnia has vibrant-coloured petals layered on top of each other. This plant thrives in direct sunlight during the winter season.

Larkspura This plant blooms with blue, white and purple coloured flowers on a long stem. It can be grown in a pot or directly planted in the soil of your home garden.

Calendula Also known as Pot Marigold, this plant has deep orange coloured flowers with a straw-like stem. It is a smaller version of marigold that blooms well in winters.