Roses are not only known for their attractive appearance and various colors but also for their distinct and familiar fragrance.
Tuberose, also known as 'Rajanigandha' or 'Gulchhadi,' is a highly aromatic flower. It is a bulbous perennial plant that can thrive in pots placed near windows or balconies.
Jasmines Among the most fragrant flowers you can cultivate in your home garden are various Jasmine species, such as Jai, Juhi, Bela, Mogara, and Chameli.
Raat ki Rani No fragrant garden in India is complete without the night blooming Cestrum, also known as "Raat ki Rani." This perennial shrub can be grown in pots and blooms throughout the year in cycles.
Champa flowers are some of the most pleasant-smelling flowers to grow in your home garden. It is also known as the plumeria or frangipani.