Hardik Pandya, a member of the Indian cricket team, recently wed Natasha Stankovic in Udaipur. He has since uploaded the wedding pictures to Instagram.

In total, he has shared 10 images. He is shown in this, going round and round with Natasha Stankovic, as is customary in India.

The first image was taken following the wedding. Rose petals are being blown on both parties in this. When they see one another, they both smile. In the second image.

Natasha Stankovic is depicted in the third photo. She is wearing a veil in this and looks really stunning. In the fourth image, Hardik Pandya is standing and watching him.

Hardik Pandya is seen giving Natasha Stankovic a necklace in the fourth image. Natasha Stankovic is seen walking in the sixth image. Both are seen playing around in the seventh image.

The fifth image shows both people's faces. Both of them are firing shots into the fire at the same time. Hardik Pandya is seen filling Sindoor in Natasha Stankovic's order in the ninth image.

On posting the images, Hardik Pandya used the phrase "Now and forever." His Instagram post has amassed a large following. A son was also born to Hardik Pandya and Natasha Stankovic.