Three contestants have been named as candidates for Bigg Boss 16 elimination this week. Shiv Thackeray, Sumbul Touqueer Khan, and MC Stan are Mandali members who could be kicked out.

The show's Weekend Ka Vaar episode's update has just been released. The elimination procedure has ended, and one contender has also been booted from the competition, according to the report.

Archana Gautam recently went far during a Bigg Boss challenge and used hot peppers and other spices to torment the other side. For this, Karan punished Archana.

Sumbul Touqueer Khan was the Bigg Boss contestant removed this week. This season, the Imlie actress has been the group's youngest and most innocent contestant.

She has been a part of Bigg Boss since the inception of the show and has fought through all of its highs and lows, but she was forced to leave the competition just nine days before the finals.

Karan Johar questioned the cast about why no one went to talk to Sumbul following her nomination because she was furious all the time and refused to talk to anyone.

Karan also inquired as to the reason for the troupe's breakup should it occur. Nimrit predicted that the troupe will remain intact on this.