The first 3 months of pregnancy are very special, take care of everything from catering to routine checkups.

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The first three months in pregnancy are very special. 
In such a situation, negligence can be dangerous for your child, especially care should be taken from catering to checkup.

During pregnancy, there are many changes in the body of women, about which they have no idea. Not all pregnant women have the same changes, they can also be different. These nine months of pregnancy are counted from the first day of the last periods. These 9 months are divided into three trimesters.

First trimester

The first 3 months fall into this phase. At this time, the fetus develops and it takes the shape of a human fetus. During this period, taking any medicine without asking a doctor can be dangerous, as the drugs can be harmful in this condition and can cause structural disorders in the child. During this period, no medicine other than folic acid is needed.

Changes to be made

1 – During this time, complaints like nausea, nervousness, tiredness and vomiting are common. These three months get well on their own.

2 – Blood pressure is usually low during this period and pulse rate increases.

3 – Breast size increases. It can also cause discharge. There is also pain on touching the breast.

4 – Weight gain is not necessary in the first three months.

5 – Morning sickness begins within three weeks of conception. It lasts for the entire quarter. Increasing levels of estrogen and progesterone slowly empties the stomach. Due to slow digestion of food, women have problems like vomiting. Such feeling occurs in the morning.

6 – Frequent urine may have to go. To get rid of this, do not reduce the intake of liquids, but reduce the amount of tea and coffee.

7 – During pregnancy the hormone increases the level of progesterone, which leads to more sleep. At the same time, tiredness can occur due to low blood sugar levels and low blood pressure. So, please take rest. Take sufficient amount of iron and protein in your diet.


1 – Do not stay empty stomach for long these days. Keep eating something at frequent intervals. Keep taking fruits, coconut water or glucose mixed water etc. Avoid excess peppers and oily food.

2 – Get regular checkups. Get your doctor checked up every 15 days.

3 – Do not wear heels. Do not go to the crowd. If you are working, then avoid going to a bumpy place with tremors and pits in the journey.

4 – Do not do munching. Eat any fruit instead. Take a balance diet, not a double diet.

Routine checkups

-Antenatal screening test (blood group and Rh, hemoglobin, blood sugar, screening for infections – HIV, syphilis, rubella, hepatitis C, hemoglobinopathies)

-USG so that the delivery date is known. Also, it may be known that there is only one baby in the womb or more.

– Ultrasound is done in the seventh and twelfth week to see if there is any disorder in the baby. The twelfth week is a double marker blood test.

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