25 deaths in 24 hours, 60 patients in trouble, Give oxygen immediately – Gangaram
The hospital has said that oxygen is left for the next two hours.
The cause of the corona virus epidemic is the condition of hospitals in Delhi. Everyday many hospitals are complaining of lack of oxygen and beds. The hearing has been going on for two days in the Delhi High Court regarding the supply of oxygen. Meanwhile, on April 23, Delhi’s Sir Ganga Ram Hospital informed that 25 most sick patients have died in the last 24 hours.
The director-medical of the hospital has said that oxygen is left for the next two hours. He said that ventilator and bipape are also not working properly.
Sir Ganga Ram Hospital has demanded that oxygen be delivered to them immediately through airlift. The director-medical said, “The lives of the remaining 60 most sick patients are in danger.”
News agency PTI quoted sources as saying that low-pressure oxygen may be responsible for the deaths. Director-Medical said that manual ventilation is being done in ICU and Emergency Department.
On 22 April, the hospital sent the SOS to the Delhi government. The hospital said that it had only five hours of oxygen left and demanded immediate supply.
According to the news agency PTI, one of the officials of the hospital said, “At 8 o’clock in the night, only up to 1 o’clock in the hospital store is left oxygen and high flow is less for use.”
There are 510 corona virus patients admitted to Gangaram Hospital in central Delhi. Of these, 142 patients were on high flow oxygen support.
Court action on oxygen and order of MHA
On April 22, a hearing was held in the Delhi High Court regarding the supply of oxygen. Apart from this, the Home Ministry issued an order saying that there will be no restriction on the movement of medical oxygen.
On April 22, Delhi High also heard a petition on oxygen shortage petition of a private hospital. During the hearing, the court has told the central government that the order of the Ministry of Home Affairs should be implemented on the supply and movement of oxygen. The court said – there should not be any hindrance in the supply of oxygen and trucks carrying oxygen should be given protection.
The court said during the hearing that- ‘If the government wants, the land and the sky can unite’.
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