How should be the diet plan of diabetes patients, know here.
Experts say that diabetes patients should pay special attention to their diet. If sugar levels rise, it can be harmful to...
Tibetan Meditation: Tibetan Meditation is very beneficial for a healthy and happy life.
Tibetan Meditation Meditation means to train your brain. Practicing meditation will improve your mind. New Delhi, Lifestyle Desk. Tibetan Meditation: Tibetan Meditation emphasizes...
WHO Chief rejecting Ponpio’s statement, says quarantine politics
Rejecting the allegations leveled by Ponpio, the WHO chief said that politics should be quarantined in the circumstances arising out...
Airtel users shocked, company discontinues its long term plan
New Delhi, Tech Desk. The country's leading telecom company Airtel introduced several new plans and offers to provide better service to...
World IVF day 2020: know what is IVF technology and the essential things related to this process.
Infertility is also one of the problems that have caused the busyness associated with the modern lifestyle. Especially in metros, the...
Running treadmill gives many benefits to health.
Morning walk or exercise going to gym or park is not completely safe. So to keep your health fit, doing treadmill...
Oxford Coronavirus Vaccine: How Oxford’s Vaccine Will Work Against Corona
New Delhi Oxford Coronavirus Vaccine The UK-based Oxford Univocity and AstraZeneca Company's COVID-19 vaccine has been safe and effective in early trials. According...
Digestive Health And Immunity Go Hand-In-Hand. Here’s All You Need To Know
New Delhi | Jagran Brand Desk: In the current scenario of Corona pandemic, immunity has become the primary key to fight...
COVID-19 testing: First Made-in-India rapid antigen test kit ‘Pathocatch’ gets ICMR nod.
The rapid antigen test kit named ‘Pathocatch’ was manufactured by Pune-based Mylab Discovery Solutions and is the first Indian made...
Hong Kong protesters again threaten to extradite China, Dragon signs
After the implementation of China's National Security Act in Hong Kong, there is now a threat of extradition to China....