10 days is very important for corona patients after discharge from the hospital, know what the experts say about this
Herd immunity is believed to develop among those who conquer the corona, and they are less likely to become infected again for the next few months. But, a new study in the US has revealed that at least 10 days are very important for the coronas who are discharged from the hospital. Negligence during this period may require hospitalization again. Even the life of the victim can be lost. This period is more dangerous for the elderly.
60 percent more likely to return to hospital
Researchers found during the study that people who recovered from a corona infection and were discharged from the hospital had a 40–60% higher risk of being re-admitted within 10 days. These were compared to serious patients of similar duration and same hospitalized heart and pneumonia.
After 60 days, the danger decreases
The study, published in the journal JAMA, states that the risk of re-admission or death of a corona patient 60 days after discharge from the hospital decreases compared to patients with other serious illnesses. Therefore, it is important that as a precautionary measures, maximum attention should be paid to the post-recovery of corona.
132 hospitals were involved in the study
The research involved approximately 2,200 aged patients who had undergone treatment in 132 hospitals. After being discharged from the hospital, his condition was compared to about 1,800 pneumonia-related patients and 3,500 heart patients. Pneumonia and heart patients were also admitted in the same hospitals during that time.
Nine percent patients died
In the report, researchers said that nine percent of patients died in the first two months after being discharged from the hospital, while 20 percent had to be hospitalized again due to shock. This figure is different from the 18.5% patients who died during hospitalization.
Age also makes a difference
Researchers say age emerged as a major factor in the study. Nearly half of those who died in the two months after discharge from the hospital were aged 70–80.
Re-infection is more deadly
Corona infection was the reason for 30 percent of patients being re-admitted to the hospital, while 8.5 percent had to return due to other disorders. It is alarming that 22 per cent of the elderly who were re-admitted had to be put on ventilator.
Expert view
According to John P. Donnelly, an epidemiologist and lead researcher at the University of Michigan (USA), coronas infected are at a risk of two weeks after being discharged from the hospital for people suffering from other serious illnesses. This period can be dangerous for anyone.
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