5 Inspirational TEDx Talks you must listen

So bringing you the list of such TED talks which are inspirational for your work life:
1) The Museum of Four in the Morning by Tom Rives:
Performance artist and storyteller, Tom Rives is obsessed with 4 am. He shared many references to media and pop culture to 4 am which he collected over the years. It is the most inspirational talk as it progresses. So keep your ears open.
2) Living beyond Limits by Amy Purdy:
Amy Purdy who once loved to skateboard and travel gave an inspirational talk on TED platform. While pursuing her passion, she lost have both legs below the knee and left her amputated. According to her, the favorite line of her is, “Because my legs haven’t disabled me. If anything they’ve enabled me.”
3) Your Elusive Creative Genius by Elizabeth Gilbert:
If you are creatively challenged, this is the perfect presentation to watch for. Elizabeth Gilbert, the author of Eat, Pray, Love presents why we shouldn’t think of people as a genius, instead think of people as vessels for genius.
4) The Three A’s of Awesome:
Neil Pasricha, who runs a blog named “1000 Happy Things” gives the secret of happy life. According to him, when he started the video, he knew where it is going and was fun to do. The video is really an inspiration for many who go through a low phase of life.
5) The Surprising Science of Happiness by Dan Gilbert:
Dan Gilbert provides through his talks provides examples of people who created mental lemonade, including the man spent 37 years in prison for the crime he didn’t commit.
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